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At Bealings we believe geography is vital in enabling our pupils to engage with and navigate the world in which they live. We develop childrens geographical thinking and imagination through direct experience of the world.

We bring Geography to life by using Geograhical skills – enquiry, fieldwork, map work and use of digital/ visual sources- within the work of the fictional organisations they are running to provide a rich context for learning these skills and the geographical knowledge which is simultaneously being learnt.

Values and attitudes such as thinking and acting sustainably are also  central to children’s experiences at Bealings.

Our children experience fieldwork in our immediate locality and further afield.

KS1 and KS2 work in our wildlife and gardening areas on our site across the lane.

KS2 children experience geographical investigations in our on-site areas, along the valley, and in more distant locations such as the annual week-long field visits to St Ives, Cornwall and Liverpool.

Using the power of our Mantle of the Expert investigations, the commissions we receive always involve Geographical enquiry and knowledge, often in very distant environments across the World!

Through all of these experiences, our children develop their understanding of human and physical Geography, impacts of life on our planet, and positive ways in which we can take action, small scale and globally, to promote a healthy Earth!


Geography Progression Map