The School Day
Our school day starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 3.15 pm. This means that we are responsible for the children from 8.45 am which is when we ring the bell. The registers remain open until 9 am. After this a child is marked as late. It is best if children arrive at 8.45 am so that they are ready and settled by 9 am.
It is quite common for children from around Year 4/5 to walk to school unaccompanied and therefore, there is no issue with children in the upper years being in the playground for 5 minutes or so without a parent at the start of the day. Similarly, we are more than happy for families – parents and younger children together – to arrive and enjoy a run around before the bell goes.
However, we cannot be responsible for children until 8.45 am when the school day starts. We will always try to have a member of staff on the playground from 8.30 am – for parents to talk to, and to greet the children. However, one adult is not enough to supervise large numbers, especially little ones, so please do not leave young children unsupervised. At break time, we have four members of staff on the playground. We cannot do this at 8.30 am – we simply don’t have the capacity.
If it is a very wet morning we will try and open the doors a few minutes early but we recommend that you arrive at 8.45 am on these days.
Children are picked up from the playground at the end of the day at 3.15 pm.
Wraparound Care
Breakfast and After-school clubs are offered by Bealings Clubhouse at the Angela Cobbold Hall. This is run by ex-Bealings teacher, Kelly McLoughlin. Please see their website for details:
Absence Request
To request an absence from school within term time for your child, you will need to complete an Absence Request form. This needs to be completed four weeks in advance (unless in highly exceptional circumstances e.g. a family member abroad being taken critically ill). You can print and complete the form and either bring it to the school office or email it to Please read the information on the form carefully. Requests can only be approved in certain, exceptional circumstances.
School meals
Our amazing, freshly cooked, delicious school meals must be booked (and paid for, if applicable) via the Parent Mail App, at least one week in advance, to allow Eilidh to order sufficient ingredients. Please ask at the school office if you think you might be eligible for Free School Meals in KS2. We can help!
Please also see nutritional and allergen information here Recipe Allergies List Spring term.
Children under five are entitled to free school milk and children over five are entitled to milk at a subsidised price. You can register online or download the form now at School-Milk-Registration-Form-2021
MEDICATION – If you need the school to give your child medication please print off and complete this form or collect one from the office. No medicine will be administered without this form.
SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST form If you would like to request a copy of the personal information we hold on your child please complete and return the request form to the school office.
During periods of severe weather conditions we will do our best to keep parents informed of any information via ParentMail. For the most up to date information about any school closures please see the Suffolk County Council website School Closures.
Our weekly newsletters are found on the Newsletters page.