Years 1 & 2 Autumn 2019


We parachuted down onto a secret island after a long flight.  We had no idea where we were being taken.  Only that we’d been especially selected for this commission!

W/c 23rd September 2019
Natural History Scientists parachuted in to a secret island to assist with research about this
newly discovered land.
One scientist got their parachute stuck in a tree!
As they looked down on the island, they took photos of what they could see and collaboratively created a map.


We created miniature versions of ourselves as peg people to demonstrate how we parachuted onto the island.


One of our cameras in L7 quadrant has shown an injured triceratops.  We need to pack our medical equipment and think about how long it will take us to travel to her.  We must act swiftly and calmly and think about how we can perform an operation safely.

December 2019
Key stage 1 children have been working hard to create the back drop for our Christmas production – ‘Children of the World’
The Key Stage 1 Nativity was a roaring success and was enjoyed by all.  Our theme was “Children of the World.”  We were excited to find out about different Christmas traditions from all around the world.

Tuup! the storyteller came to visit us near the end of term.  He told a funny story about a baby crocodile who kept trying to eat the other animals because he was so hungry!  We all joined in with the rhymes and rhythms.